Set Up Server Schedule
Server setup for ATEM is very simple and can be performed quickly by the server administrator. FileMaker Server will give the administrator feedback if there is an error and the server script does not run.
ATEM has a main server script that is intended to run once daily in order to cycle through the automations to send emails and create tasks. This script is called: ETAM – PSoS – Nightly Schedule
In Filemaker Server, go to the Configuration Tab and select Script and Verify Schedules from the left-hand menu. Click Create Schedule and use the following settings:
- Schedule Type: Filemaker Script
- Schedule Name: ATEM Nightly Automations ( or something descriptive and meaningful)
- Database: (Your TourToolsv5 file)
- FileMaker Script:
- Repeat: Daily
- Start Date: (as early as the current day)
- Start Time (Ideally in the evening or early morning)
- Set End Date: Leave Unchecked
Save the Schedule and make sure that it is Enabled.
Throttle Send Rate
Many email services will automatically stop sending emails after a certain number of emails per minute (eg: Microsoft will not send more than 30 emails per minute with a regular Office 365 account.) TourTools allows you to easily throttle the ATEM email send rate.
In order to adjust the send rate, under System Settings / Email Settings, change the ATEM Send Rate Limit (emails per minute). While sending emails through ATEM, once the rate limit (emails per minute) has been reached, the script pauses until the minute has passed and then begins sending again.
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