Changing a Tour Date
When it becomes necessary to cancel or rebook a departure, click on the “Cancel Tour” button in the TM record. When you do, you will be asked if you want to cancel all Bookings related to the trip or if you want to leave them alone. Hopefully, at least in “normal” times, when you find it necessary to cancel a trip, you are doing so for reasons of postponement, meaning you will leave them alone.
For the record, if you choose to cancel a TM record and cancel the Bookings, the status of each will go to CXL and all charges will go to zero. Your GL/GL record should reflect a refund due. Note that once a Booking has been cancelled, it is impossible to rebook them using the rebook script.
Regardless of the decision you make regarding the Bookings, on the TM side, the status of the record will go to Non-Op and a note that THIS DEPARTURE HAS BEEN CANCELLED will appear in the Tour Notes field.
More likely than not, you want to rebook your passengers on a future trip. What I would recommend is that you deal with the Booking records first, then come back to cancel the TM record.
Note that in cases where you have a GL/GL with linked Pax/GL records, you must cancel/rebook the GL/GL first. The process starts with opening the record, and clicking on the “Cancel” button. When you do so, a dialogue window will open asking if you want to cancel or rebook.
When you select Rebook, a window will present where you enter the Tour code of the new trip (be sure before you start that the TM is Active and the Packages have been published). Next, you will be asked if you want to charge a penalty. If you answer Yes, the penalty will be calculated based on the deadlines you had established back in TM, exactly as for an individual, “normal” cancellation.
Regardless of your reply, move on by clicking on the Continue prompt in the upper right corner of the screen. With a GL/GL record you don’t of course have to worry about selecting a Package, and as you move on, all payments applied to the old Booking will transfer to the new. The old records will reflect a “transfer to” and the new a “transfer from” tag.
After rebooking the GL, move on through the individual bookings in the same way. Of course, with these, you WILL pick a Package, and there will be no money to move.
What does not transfer, for obvious reasons, are any air itineraries assigned to the original Booking. Review any miscellaneous charges that may have been sold on the Direct Entry Options tab (on the Prices tab) as they may need to be transferred manually, the logic being that additional charges or credits wouldn’t necessarily apply on Tour B as they did on Tour A.
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