Under the Email & Task Automation Tab of Business Settings, you will find the ATEM control room. Below is a list of everything you will find in this area:
List of Automation Templates
Sort, Title, Type, Schedule, Enabled, Default Blocked, Edit, Duplicate and Delete
To change the order of the Templates, simply drag the sort icon onto the row you would like it to appear
Title given by the user (or default title)
User can create either an Automated Email template (Email) or an Automate Task Creation template (Task)
Gives details as to when the Automation will occur
When Automation Template is Enabled:
Automated Email Templates it will cycle through the unblocked tours, bookings and PAX for each tour and send emails to PAX when all of the filter conditions are met.
Automated tasks will be created for each tour and assigned to the specified staff member for any tours that meet the days before / days after criteria.
Default Blocked
When Selected, the Automations for any new tours will be blocked by default. (This will not affect tours that are already created and either set to blocked or unblocked) Note that there are two places where Automations for tours can be blocked, which will be discussed later.
This will open the Automation Template for editing
A user can duplicate an Automation Template and easily change the name, and other parameters by editing the duplicated Template
Any Automation Templates can be deleted (except for system templates)
By Default, there are 3 System Automated Email Templates related to bookings:
Medical Form Reminder
Late Payment Notice
Payment Reminder
These System Automation Templates can be modified but not deleted.
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