To create an Automation Template, simply click the + Add Template button under the Email & Task Automation Tab of the Business Settings. The user will be given the choice of creating a new Automated Email or Task. Select Email. The Automated Email Template window will open.

Automated Email Template Title

Type in an appropriate name for the template that allows users to understand its purpose

Default Blocked (Tour Level)

This setting allows the creation of automations for all Tours but can be blocked in the tour records so that it doesn’t send for that particular tour. You may want to create an automated email for a handful of tours only, in which case, you can have tours blocked by default and then unblock the ones that the automation is intended for. NOTE: Once the automations for each tour are created (by closing the Automated Email Template window for the first time), the Default Blocked checkbox will only affect new tours.


Choose a user email address that the emails will be sent from (If the user’s company has a special email address, it should be set up in the Email Settings section of the Business Settings / Staff Members under one of the users. This will create the email setting necessary to send the emails.

Email Report Address

Choose a user email address to send the Automated Email reports to.

Email Subject

Appear to the email recipients as the subject of the email.

Email will be sent _____ days ______________________

Sets the number of days before/after a tour or booking event that the email will be sent

Body Tab

Create an HTML email body and format it here. It is best to keep the body simple. Use the formatting tools to format the email. The image button allows the user to insert a url for an image that will work on most email services. (Do not drag and drop images into the body as some email services, including Gmail, may not render the images.) The tags button allows you to insert Tour, and PAX related merge tags. (Merge Tags look like this in the body: )

Filters Tab

Filters allow the user to set criteria that a Tour, Booking or Pax needs to meet in order for the email to be sent.

  • Sort allows the user to sort the filters by dragging the sort icon to the preferred position in the list.
  • Context can be Tour, Booking or PAX (other contexts may be available by customization)
  • Field is the TourTools field that will be checked against before sending the email.
  • Value is the text, number, date or value list item that the field to be check against
  • Operator is how treat the value to create the filter (eg: greater than, less than, etc)

Adding Filter Fields (Advanced – Owner access required)

More Filter options can be added by users with manager privileges, however, it is important to thoroughly test any new filters to ensure they work in the context specified and behave as expected. To add filters, Click on the “Click here to add more” at the bottom of the filters tab. This will open the ATEM Field Configuration layout. Here you can search for and change or delete existing filter fields, or add new filter fields. If the user wishes to add a filter field but there are no blank rows to add to, click “Add New Field” and a blank row will be added to the bottom of the list.


There are three contexts in which you can filter records in TourTools ATEM. Tour, Booking, PAX.

TourTools Field Name

The field name used by TourTools (visible when in Layout Mode on Tour Detail and Booking Detail layouts). The spelling and capitalization of the TourTools Field Name must be exact in order to function.

Field Display Name

This is a name given to the field for the user’s reference. It should be descriptive and clear to the user, to indicate what value the filter is referring to.

Value Type

Choose between Text, Number, Date, Value List. Text and number types will give the user an edit box to enter any text or number. The Date type will display a drop-down calendar where the user can select a date or enter it. The Value List type will display a list of values for the user to choose from (and will allow the user to enter their own value).

Value List

If “Value List” is selected as the Value Type, then a list of values separated by line breaks (enter on PC, return on Mac) will be displayed to the user. (By default there will also be an “Other” value that will be displayed for the user to enter their own value.)


User can add up to 5 attachments to the email to be sent.

Automation Notes

These notes appear and may be edited in the automation previews in Tours and Bookings. They are for general use and do not affect the functioning or content of the emails.


When an Automated Email Template is created, there will be no tours listed here. The Create Automations button will be visible above the list. When this button is clicked or the Automation Template window is closed, the automations will be created (may take several minutes).

Once the Automations are created for each tour, the Default Blocked button at the top will no longer affect the existing tours, and will only apply to tours created after the Automation Template was created.

Notes: By default, Automations will not be created for tours that have departed more than 60 prior to the current date. Automations will not be created for tours with a status other than “Active”. If you would like to create an automation for tours that have a different status, go to the tour, change the status to “Active”, then click the Create Automation button in the top section of Tour Details. Once Automations are created, the tour status may be changed, without affecting the Automation.

Code, Name, Departure Date, Return Date

Tour Related information directly from the Tour Details

Send Date(s)

Date(s) that the Automation is scheduled to deploy based on the Criteria set above.

Date(s) Sent

Date(s) that the Automation has deployed.


Block/unblock specific tours by checking or unchecking the Block checkbox


Will send email manually immediately, bypassing the days before/after Tour criteria. Note: Emails will only be sent when the Days Before/After criteria are Tour based, not PAX based. (eg: ‘Before tour depart date’ will send, but ‘After last payment due date’ will not)

Last modified: August 13, 2024


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