The Bookings Module – Where the Rubber Meets the Road

All of your work to this point, negotiating with Vendors, planning/building Tours and Packages, and marketing them – it all leads to the Bookings module and from there to the Operations and Money modules.

Detailed booking records reflect Packages and options purchased, payments due and received, and other data related to the reservation.

The booking process usually begins in the Client module, where your first order of business is to find (or create) the Client record to which the booking is to be linked.

As appropriate, if you haven’t already done so, address the question of whether the reservation will be for a group leader or re-seller, in which case the Client record should be marked as a GL Master; whether (at what percentage) the reservation should be commissioned and whether a salesperson is to be credited with the booking. So long as the Client record is “Active,” you are good to proceed.

Last modified: November 10, 2024


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