- Check deposit to bank account and revenue account (liability account)
- Credit card deposit to bank account and revenue account (liability account) with optional calculated bank fee
(888) 822-7988
TourTools® users can enter all daily receipts, cash, checks and credit cards and then transfer individual or select groups of transactions directly into QuickBooks.
Each transaction is posted to the appropriate bank, revenue, and expense accounts. Also available: adjust for credit card-related bank changes as part of the transaction.
The built-in “Check Queue” feature allows users to select services to be paid and move the transactions from TourTools® into QB so each bill is ready for payment.
If the service has been paid by a method of payment other than check, then the transaction is recorded as such.
Each transaction is posted to the designated vendor, the job# for the current tour, and the default accounts payable account.
Eliminate the redundancy of pushing payment or refunds twice – staff no longer need to manually enter data into TourTools® and then again in QuickBooks.
The base price includes the programming required to post expense payments (payables) and receipts (revenue) with debits and credits as well as refunds. Additional functions, as well as more complex transaction postings consisting of multiple debits or credits, are also possible utilizing TourTools and the FM Books Connector plug-in.
The cost to add this feature to your TourTools® system is $5,000 or $125/month.